postheadericon Pillow Talk – Removing Fears and Building Loving Bonds

“Pillow Talks” can change  the future of your child by removing a fear and allowing your child to develop on their natural path. The change is usually immediate. Pillow Talks have helped children perform better in school, get over fear of dentist, remove fear of bugs, overcoming sibling rivalry and so much more. I am looking forward to hearing your testimonials.

-Nurse Nancy

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Dear Parent:

Empower your children, eliminate fears and bring greater depths of Love to your family by speaking ” Pillow Talks” to your sleeping child.

The testimonials have been coming in and the results are incredible. Parents are reporting calmer and happier children. The benefits are mutual for the child and the person speaking the “Pillow Talk”. Imagine how amazing it feels to say these loving words “I love you with all my heart!” It is the ultimate  heart-to-heart. The change in your lives is immediate.

Blessings for a happy family and peaceful life,

Nurse Nancy Beck

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How Pillow Talk Was Born

Having worked  as a critical care nurse for 25 years my shifts were often  long. Almost three times a week my children woke up and went to sleep without seeing me. My nearly 18-month old daughter was not saying “I love you”, she was not calling her brother by his given name, or playing well with the other little girl in her day care.

I had an ah-ha moment and put together my nursing skills of the mind-body-spirit connection along with my  mother’s intuition and I spoke my first Pillow Talk. Being the first time I was a little nervous to go into her room while she was asleep. Once I started speaking the words were so natural any hesitation fleeted away. I felt a joyful tearfulness as I spoke from the heart. When I was complete I sat at her side watching this peaceful child sleep. So incredibly beautiful and resting quietly.

The following day was more than I could have imagined. She started using the words “I love you!”. She started calling her brother by his name and the next time she was in daycare she asked the other little girl to play with her for the first time! It is hard to imagine how our life has changed.

My daughter is now in the 5th grade and has been asked to be a play-ground mentor at her school.  She was chosen from all of her grade by her peers being recognized as a person they would trust to resolve conflict in a fair unbiased manor. She is a creative and inspiring person.

I recognize how unique my daughters  story is. So, I also want to share about my son. He had no unique struggles. He grew up with events that created testing fears and a desire not to learn to read in Kindergarten. My husband and I spoke encouraging Pillow Talks while he was asleep.  He now is an A student who reads above grade level, and is an independent thinker who does not get caught up in 8th grade peer pressure. He has good friends and tells us he is happy. He helps us around the house and has dreams to create something in the science field that is useful to mankind. He is very intuitive and sensitive.

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Parenting Tip – “Pillow Talk is a unique parenting skill that anyone can learn to use to create confidence, reduce worry naturally, and bring greater depths of love and connection between parents and children.”

- Nurse Nancy

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Big News!

Our children hear our words when they are asleep because they are free from all the distractions that happen in waking conversation.

Research has proven during sleep we are able to hear and  process information. Research has also proven we remember what we hear while we are sleeping and we access and act upon that information when we are awake. That means you’re sleeping child will listen, remember your parental advice and take it to heart.

What are Pillow Talks?

Pillow Talks are a one-minute affirmation spoken to your sleeping child.

A Pillow Talk creates  a direct connection to provide your child with parental advice, healthy suggestions, and an assurance of your ongoing love and support. When proper words are used you experience fantastic results while encouraging your child through life, remove fears and build incredible loving bonds.

Parenting Support – “It becomes a habit to start watching for what your children are doing right in life, so that you can tell them about it in your Pillow Talk. Not to mention, when you go in to talk to your child at this quiet peaceful time you are focusing intently on your child, so your distractions are also turned off. You are deeply bonding with your child and that can make for powerful changes within you and in your family.”

- Nurse Nancy

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Best Uses for Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk is an easy and effective parenting skill instilling our children with loving  nurturing support and guidance in any area of life. It has been used in dozens of ways with remarkable results including:

Pillow Talk empowers parents and children. In Part 1 of the book are 16 common situations a child might encounter and the Pillow Talks to use to help them through the situation. With each situation there are Pillow Talk  templates ready for you to use with your children.

In Part 2 of the book I teach you how to craft a Pillow Talk. Using the right timing, words and sequence which are important to getting the desired results. With a little practice you can design your own Pillow Talks and watch your child overcome fears, make better choices and experience life in a more secure and confident manner. As a side benefit you’ll also notice that your family experiences and expresses more love toward one another.

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Discovering and learning the art of Pillow Talk has been a real gift to my family. Of all the parenting advice, parenting help, and parenting tips on raising children  Pillow Talks have given my family the most dramatic results in solving issues and situations in my children’s life. As my husband Mark always says: “Pillow Talk is the best tool in a parent’s tool box”.

I hope you see the unlimited possibilities of using Pillow Talks and choose to explore the art of encouraging and guiding your children while they sleep. Pillow Talks can be as big a gift to your family as it has been for mine. Just click on the buy now link below to start your own positive parenting revolution with Pillow Talk.

A free gift for you whether you purchase a copy of pillow talk or not  please accept the free download of my Pillow Talk book tour, “The Evolution in Positive Parenting”. Enter your name and email address in the signup form on the right and press “Submit”.

Blessings to you and your family!
Nurse Nancy Beck

Buy Pillow Talk - Loving Affirmations to encourage and guide your children while they sleep

Encouraging and guiding your children can branch off to many subjects and topics. You can read about available solutions for childhood difficulties and problems on this website at the web page: This web page gives many examples of how a parent can use pillow talks in their families lives while raising children.

A Few Parenting Resources than can be helpful to the viewer are the magazine websites Parenting Magazine and Parents Magazine. They offer daily article on parenting advice and parenting tips. Then there are parenting websites that can give parenting support  and child rearing advice such as Great Parenting and for stress and anxiety Stop Stressing Now the folks at is run by Boystown. Other good parenting support and ideals for raising kids come from Family Education and for mom’s Cafemon is a good site.

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